Posted on 11/30/2018
The next 710-SHOW is all about towing. Click HERE to watch the live video. On the next 710-SHOW, we're going to talk about towing. There's about 5 different scenarios that might end up with your vehicle hooked to the back of a truck and all of them can be quite an experience. Who do you call? Where do you go? What do you need? What are your rights? What do you do now? So many questions and we'll go over as much as we per the experts. Tune in and watch us live tomorrow morning or, listen to the show this Saturday at 7:10am on 107.3 and ... read more
Posted on 11/28/2018

Click HERE for ways to keep your car winter ready with Groff's Automotive.  
Posted on 11/5/2018

(click the pic to see our latest commercial) Don't be a turkey asking for a pardon this Thanksgiving, when Groff's is here to make sure you get to your destination. Schedule your appointment now and you'll receive 10% off all parts on repairs and services over $100. And, you'll also recieve a $25 gift card to use every time in the future on any car you own. For over 60 years, Groff's Automotive has proudly served the community with honesty, integrity and amazing customer service. Groff's's more than a business name, it's a family name. Located on Hancock just north of Bradley and online anytime at groffsautomotive.comm